His Personal Encounter with the Holy Spirit

While praying and fasting during the Lent of 1993, Bishop James had a significant and life changing dream. He found himself in a well-illuminated room. On the floor was a young duck with a white hair standing. It had a gold beak and its feet were trying to fly, but were too young to do so. Bishop James said to himself in the dream, “I will take it, put it in the bag, take it home and rear it.” Immediately he grabbed it with his right hand, but didn’t succeed in putting it in the bag. The whole of Bishop James’ body became warm instantaneously and his eyes were opened. It was 2:00 a.m. Nigerian time. Two weeks later, the way that Bishop James was teaching Sunday school in church changed. After teaching, he started to shiver as if he was catching a cold, but it was not a cold. He thought that he was developing a mental problem. Then, the Lord spoke to him explaining that “the day you saw the duck, you saw me and I came into you. I am the one responsible for your feelings; you are not developing a mental problem.” This began a new season in Bishop James’ life. The revelation that God was going to use him was given to him shortly after this Holy Spirit baptism experience in 1993. However, he refused to pay attention to God’s calling. He left Nigeria in 1994 to go to Jamaica, West Indies. While in Jamaica, Bishop James was working with two churches, a ministry and a fellowship. The senior pastor of one of the churches was instructed by God to ordain him as pastor in December of 1996.

The Lord orchestrates Pastor James’ obedience

In 1997, the Lord moved Bishop James and his family to the United States on the Diversity Visa Program. He still refused to completely allow the Lord to use him. While living in Miami, a man that Bishop James had never met knocked at the door of their apartment and said to him “do not forget the agreement between you and God.” The man eventually identified himself as a prophet and described the church mission statement just as it is written. To tirelessly show genuine loving kindness and care to the hurting, wounded, discontent, discouraged and those under all manner of emotional and spiritual distresses, oppression and obsession that desire to be loosed from demonic spiritual invasion, teaching them through the Word of God, prayer and spiritual warfare how God wants them to be set free from all the schemes and devices of satan through the blood of Jesus Christ. Thus we can “prepare people to make an impact for God in their generation and to be fit to enter the Kingdom of God.” 

This happened two weeks after the pastor of the church where Pastor James was assisting confirmed the very same thing.

Bishop James and his family moved to Columbus, Ohio. The Lord spoke again through a Christian sister and this time, Bishop James was willing to succumb to the Will of God and started Christ Bible Church on January 14, 2001. Christ Bible Church of Columbus continues to grow and flourish. Bishop James now lives with his family outside of Houston, Texas where he has established the International Offices for CBC. The Lord instructed Bishop James Salako to start a ministry, and in obedience, Bishop James Salako founded the first of two Christ Bible Church, International in Columbus, Ohio in 2001. Christ Bible Church is an international, non-denominational church with over 77 branches and fellowships throughout the world. There are currently two branches within the United States; they are located in Columbus, Ohio and Houston, Texas.